New car :)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Work
I have a company car, and normally, I would have to be working here for a few months before I get to choose my own lease car. Before that time you get a rental, until the end of your probation time.
So I got this cute little blue astra:
Very cool since blue is my favorite colour ;)
Now on Tuesday, I got the offer to take the car ordered and intended for someone who left the company last week. It’s a big family car, and brand new. Who am I to say no :) So before the end of my probation time, I already got a super deluxe new car to drive around with for the next few years ;)
My Grand scenic:
Much to love, but most of all: awesome airconditioning that is greatly appreciated now that it’s heating up again today and the next few days ;)
Yes, it’s not blue, or Thorials picked colour (I told him he could help me choose the colour of the next one), but I like it :D