A long walk…

So we decided to participate in the local ‘sneukeltocht’, a nice walk in the neighbourhood with some assignments for the kids to do. Well, it was muddy, lasted for two hours and man, it was a bit less leisurely strolling than we had expected, but we had fun :D  

Tyrgen is learning new moves :)

Today he went after his bottle, and brought it back. Since he can’t walk yet, and needs both hands for crawling, he found another way to transport the bottle :) It was funny to see, and he is hilarious when smiling this way :D

Happy birthday Professor!

Every year on the third of January, at nine in the evening, we raise a glass to the West to toast on J.R.R. Tolkiens birth day. We toast with ‘The Professor’ and to remember what a great gift he gave us. This year, we added a language class in writing Quenya, thank you Dirk! But […]

Happy New Year!

This will be a year in which I hope all goes well for you and yours. I’m going to try and post a bit more (yeahyeah ;p) and merge the kiddies blog and mine :D Wish me luck! See ya’ll soon! And check out the lovely Soap Barista’s (https://www.facebook.com/TheSoapBarista) and Write Diva’s (https://www.facebook.com/WriteDivasLLC)!