Reading a book (2/365)

Playing together (1/365)

Oops, I did it again ;)

Well hey there! It’s been a while hasn’t it… Last year I made the resolution to update more, and well, as you can see, I failed miserably since there was only one post that year :D Now, I shall try to to better! Tomorrow (or the day after) I hope to update on some extra renovations […]


I donated my hair, so someone else can get a wig after battling cancer… Before: After:

Losing a bit of my childhood…

Today I woke up to the news that Robin Williams passed away. It broke my heart, the little girl that is still inside cried at losing the man that made her childhood filled with happy movies, good movies and awesome quotes. He is a great example of the quote ‘ Hiding behind a smile is […]


Spare time near home

Planes in the morning

Full Sunrise

Birthday candy

Someone at work had a birthday and surprised us with a big bowl of M&M’s!!!