Renovating the roof (part 1)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Renovations
They added a new window, and moved another one:
New ‘holes’ in the roof for the windows
Newly placed window
And righted the roof:
And put up insulation:
Next up: in the other attic (our bedroom-to-be): remove bad wood structure and replace it, add new tiles and add insulation. Then they will finish off with boards that just need painting still and we can start on the rest of the work for the attics! I can’t wait!!!
Yes, we will have a roof in two colours until we save up to do the other roof in a couple of years… but I don’t care about that as long as the inside is cosy and fun to live in :)
Music room: adding floor and ceiling (part 1)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Jonas, Renovations
So on Sunday we also decided to start the ceiling works for the music room: building a frame, adding insulation to the garage ceiling (since we won’t be able to reach it anymore after closing up the ceiling of the music room). It does take some work…
And the floor was put in with the help of our experienced friend -> only took a few hours!!! And it looks awesome :) Yay!
Work in progress:
Now we just have to continue the work on the ceiling!
Thûrin – born 1st of June 2015
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Thûrin, Tyrgen
Our latest baby boy Thûrin arrived on the first of June 2015 by planned C-section.
It seems that he looks a lot like his brother Tyrgen :)
New kitchen window!!
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Renovations
Yes, a bit later, but an update!!!
As seen in previous posts about the house, this is the kitchen window: single glass panes, so very cold!
You can see that my father, under the stern eye of Thûrin, first replaced the hideous marble with blue harstone slabs:
And then the new window arrived:
It is already a lot better now, more light, more heat! Now just to finish the sides and we can put the kitchen cabinet back and we have a nice kitchen! Only ceiling and floors to be done, but that is not a priority ;)
Oops, I did it again ;)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Random
Well hey there! It’s been a while hasn’t it… Last year I made the resolution to update more, and well, as you can see, I failed miserably since there was only one post that year :D
Now, I shall try to to better!
Tomorrow (or the day after) I hope to update on some extra renovations we are doing.
I will also try to post a bit about the kids, our twosome has become a threesome, and yes, another boy added to the count ;) I can see I will be the only female here :D
I am only going to be writing about my new work a bit maybe (started something new after my parental leave for Thûrin, my new baby boy but already left that job for something new and infinitely more exciting again! Check out the site already: SDL )
If there is something you would like for me to blog about: give me a quick email, and I’ll see what I can do!
Finished kitchen
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Renovations
Finally, pictures of the finished kitchen! And it was cleaned up for the occasion of course :)
All cupboards are there, we are still going to change the large window in the back and the ceiling will be updated, and one day a nice American fridge will compliment the kitchen too :) We might change some appliances like the micro wave, but for now, all is done :) Let’s get the next project going, and going good ;)
Cooking for friends!
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Food
The menu:
Coquilles on a bed of broccoli mousse and grey shrimp sauce
Roasted Butternut squash soup
Turkey Orloff with vegetable tower and a sauce of watercress
Panna Cotta with Crushed raspberries and raspberry coulis
Everything turned out very well, but we didn’t take pictures :) Next time! Since these things will be served again for sure!
Coquilles on a bed of broccoli mousse and grey shrimp sauce
Ingredients: (4 people)
300 gr grey shrimps
1 big brocolli
400ml culinary cream
1 cube of fish stock
2 sjalots
white wine (sparkly wine/cava can be used too)
pepper and salt
10-12 coquilles
Chop the sjalots and glaze them in butter or olive oil. Add some wine and add 100 gr of grey shrimp, the cube of stock and 200 ml of cream. Leave this to simmer and thicken on a soft fire. At the end, taste to see if extra seasoning is needed. Keep warm.
Broccoli mousse:
Cook the broccoli and mash it together with some cream (add to your own taste and until you find the mousse to your liking). Keep warm!
Right before serving, add 100 gr of roughly chopped grey shrimps.
Season with a bit of pepper and salt on both sides. Bake in a pan with a bit of olive oil or butter (to your preference). Make sure you don’t overcook them! (1 minute each side when fresh, 2 minutes each side when frozen -> do not defrost in advance!)
create 5 little beds of the broccoli mousse, cut the coquilles in two and put a half on each tower of mousse. Top with the sauce and some fresh grey shrimp. Serve with the same white or sparkling wine you used to cook.
Roasted Butternut squash soup
1 onion or 2 sjalots
1 medium butternut squash
1.5 L chicken stock
thyme (fresh or dried)
1-2 cloves of garlic
Chop the sjalots and garlic. Glaze them in a bit of olive oil. Add the butternut cubes to roast slowly, season with the thyme.
Heat the chicken stock in a seperate pot and add the roasted squash, sjalots and garlic. Leave to cook on a low fire for 30-40 minutes (depending on the size of your cubes).
Mix the soup then to a smooth soup, add some more stock if it’s too thick in consistency.
Serve with a little garnish of fresh parsley, fresh thyme or other fresh herbs.
Turkey Orloff with vegetable tower and a sauce of watercress
Slightly adjusted at places (recipe in dutch)
Panna Cotta with Crushed raspberries and raspberry coulis
600 ml cream ( liquid) -> you can change up to 400 ml to whole milk to make it mess heave
10 gr of vanilla sugar
8 gr gelatine or 4 leaves
55 gr of powdered sugar
Put the gelatine in a plate with cold water, so it can soak until it all softens.
Put the cream (or milk) in a cooking pot, add the vanilla sugar and powdered sugar. Stir on a low fire until it starts cooking.
Take the pot off the fire, add the gelatine, stir until the gelatine has completely melted into the cream/milk.
Pour into small bowls and let it cool. Place in the fridge for 24h to stiffen.
You can then present in the bowls, or take the panna cotta out and present on a plate. Decorate with raspberries, maybe even with a raspberry coulis. To take out of the bowls: place in hot water (don’t let if flow onto the panna cotta) and it should loosen up. You can also gently loosen the sides with a knife.
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Random
I donated my hair, so someone else can get a wig after battling cancer…
New backdoor to the garage!
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Renovations
Only a week ago, someone was kind enough to donate an old frontdoor that they had replaced. So I went and got it and my dad and I started the work to replace our old backdoor to the garage: didn’t close well, had holes in it and the lock was very simple.
The new door:
Losing a bit of my childhood…
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Random
Today I woke up to the news that Robin Williams passed away. It broke my heart, the little girl that is still inside cried at losing the man that made her childhood filled with happy movies, good movies and awesome quotes.
He is a great example of the quote ‘ Hiding behind a smile is so much easier than showing your sadness’. I will not forget him, and I will watch his movies with my children, so they will get to know him. He deserves to last, as an artist and as a person. Rest in peace Robin Williams.
“Genie, you’re free.”