Spare time near home
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Random
Planes in the morning
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Random
Dinner by Jonas
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Food, Jonas
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Thorial, Tyrgen
Sadly Thorial was in front of all the people with grandpa, so I couldn’t get a picture.
Bike ride in the sun
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Jonas, Thorial, Tyrgen
Today was the first great day of the year, so we decided to go on a bike ride! Thorial was the one who decided to make it a bit longer than we intended, but he was a trooper and made it all on his own and liked it :)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Jonas
Thank you Jonas :)
Springtime in the house!
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Hobby, Thorial
Thorial has been asking about stars and everything for a long time, so when the volunteers of were out and about to show you the stars, I decided to take him there!
We saw Jupiter and a galaxy (no pictures, sorry ;p ) and had a lot of fun. He was full of questions and I was glad the volunteers could answer a lot of them!
Music maestro
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Hobby, Jonas, Tyrgen
And while I was roughing up the garden, the boys (and girl) were making music and entertaining the children with it :)
Garden works
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Garden, Hobby
I dove into the garden again now that winter seems to have never come for a visit and warmer days are here again. I’m trying to make a parting down the garden so I can start filling up with soil next to the chickens to build my vegetable garden and plant my raspberries and other berries!!
Meanwhile our cat was lazing on the sofa!
Conquering stairs – direction up!
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Tyrgen