Finished the shower!!!
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Renovations
I finished the installation of the showerheads and the taps!!! I got wet when testing the first time, made sure everything was fastened even more, and now we have a shower :D I’m very proud of myself ;)
Now we just need to fix the rest of the walls and our downstairs shower is ready for use!
On to the next project: finishing that last kitchen cabinet, and putting the plinths of the whole kitchen :) And then our kitchen is finished too!
No fear, we are not running out of projects just yet ;)
Helping daddy cook!
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Tyrgen
Music room that breaks?
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Hobby, Jonas
So Jonas decided to finally move the cupboard from upstairs to the music room. He needed something there to store a computer, a screen etc
Sadly, while working on this, he hurt his back! The man has to suffer for his hobby ;)
This is the intermediate result until we build more walls :D
My little IT-nerd
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Tyrgen
Last cupboard for the kitchen!
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Renovations, Tyrgen
It has arrived! Partially :) The doors will only arrive next week, but when they do, oh boy! I can finalize the kitchen!!! (cupboards and all that, we still need the HUGE window replaced ;) )
Tyrgen deciced to crawl into the (at the time) empty cupboard.
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Thorial, Tyrgen
Thorial was watching Zingaburia, and Tyrgen seemed to be mildly interested too :)
Brotherly Bath Time
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Thorial, Tyrgen
Back to class!
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Sewing
So I went back to my sewing class after my stint of ‘being ill at home for weeks with mono’
I deftly made my pattern and then wanted to put it ot the fabric I had purchased! And then we found out I had about 10 cms les than I need :( I don’t know where to find the fabric anymore (bought it over a year ago) and so my lesson stopped a little earlier….
I am now in search for new fabric that will fit my tastes :s Sorry to say, I have to get it by next Thursday, and I’m not someone who can easily pick something…. -> oh dear…
The searched for fabric:
Saying goodbye….
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Friends, Tyrgen
Soon my friend is going away until at least November… It’s what she always wanted, and a great opportunity! Nonetheless, I will miss her and her quirks being around, but I wish her all the best and hope she’ll mail/skype/contact plenty, because my little man likes her a lot too :)
Tonight we had a little dinner with some friends to all meet up one last time before she leaves. It was fun, and we shouldv’e done this more!!! Now we’ll have to wait until she gets back :)
This is a picture of them together, summer of 2013
And this is the little one after… he was very tired after playing with Dries and Karen ;)
Dance class again ;)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Hobby
Now that I am finally healing, I was able to go to dance class again. Woah, they really got a lot more fluent while I was away! I have loads to catch up on, but I loved it. I was only a bit tired near the end, and I hope that will soon be gone too so I can go full out again, and catch up!
There will be a show moment in May, and I’m aiming to make it without the teacher being scared to put me on stage ;)