Cooking for Tina and Wim

Our friends came to visit, so we decided to throw ourselves into cooking again. Both Jonas and me like to cook and try new stuff (with ingredients we like :D) so yesterday we were at it again!

We decided on a mainly Italian team.


Charentais melon pieces with fine Italian meats (Coppa di Parma, pancetta, prosciutto crudo)


Lasagna with river lobster

Primi piatti:

Tender loin a la Fiorentina with potato wedges, green salad, tomatoes and cucumber. This is everything in the making:

The picture we were aiming for (more or less):


And we ended with dessert, recipe from Gudrun (thank you!), Apple Flan:

It was a fun evening, and all recipes worked out great! So we can do these again :)


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