Day of the sports club

We had a fun day with the kids, trying out all kinds of different sports. I even played badminton while carrying Thûrin in the babysling ;)

Tyrgen tried out the Multimove together with Thorial, and he actually did stuff we didn’t expect him to try!


They also tried ‘Korfbal’, Thorial was a big fan :)

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Tyrgen was very good at Wheelchair riding (wheelchair basketball). And Thorial was having fun with actually trying to play basketball from the chair.

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Thûrin had his first encounter with grass, while the others were having a drink.

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Meanwhile Thûrin was playing with balls and balloons, and even standing next to where his brother was running.

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And Tyrgen also tried moving school, and loved the running and crawling ;)

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There is no photo evidence of the Badminton playing :D


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