Early Sunrise


Lovely day

New haircolour!

Happy New Year!

This will be a year in which I hope all goes well for you and yours. I’m going to try and post a bit more (yeahyeah ;p) and merge the kiddies blog and mine :D Wish me luck! See ya’ll soon! And check out the lovely Soap Barista’s (https://www.facebook.com/TheSoapBarista) and Write Diva’s (https://www.facebook.com/WriteDivasLLC)!

2013 has arrived

And normally a new year that stars means: “What are your good intentions for the New Year” or “Remembering the last year and what happened” So here it goes ;) First of all: Happy New Year to all, may it be a great year with all you can wish for to make you happy!   […]