Thûrin being silly
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Thûrin
In between accidents, he can just be down right silly and entertaining ;)
Bumps and Bruises Pt2
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Thûrin
Oh yes, but now, they are not all his own fault…
Brother put a chair on his foot and sat on it :s
And then big brother decided to build a wall of boxes and chairs and stand jumping on top of a large footstool with the little one, who of course, fell off and on top of the wall… Ear black and blue:
Then he decided to headbutt his own box while sitting in it:
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Thûrin, Tyrgen
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Thûrin, Tyrgen
We took the boys to the local fair, where Tyrgen had his first spin in the ‘botsauto’ -> picture right before a rather bumpy collision (and he was smiling a lot less…)
And Thûrin waiting to go fish for duckies
They both got a prize after fishing for duckies and were happy :) Tyrgen however keeps playing with his little brothers toy…
Refurbishing project
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Hobby
I wanted to just strenghten one part of the bottom of the chest, but when starting work on it, I immediately saw that that board was eaten up on the inside… So I tore it off, and replaced it, then decided to do the same with the whole bottom ;)
Still some work to do: need to finish that smaller piece for the bottom, add the two legs, sand the new parts (and maybe already some of the other parts to prepare for future painting) and then add the new hinges.
Bumps and bruises
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Thûrin
Thûrin is really testing the limits of his skin :D
He wanted to stand up, but when releasing his hands from the ground, he wasn’t stable yet… Result: red nose and forehead
He then proceeded to run into some things. Result: blue stripe on the right cheek and bruising on the left side of his head…
Yesterday, he was picked up from daycare, and seems to have scraped his knee, nobody saw or heard anything…
This kid is going to be getting a double insurance ;)
Mothers Day, Kruibeke edition
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Family, Kids
Big family (not even everyone in the picture!!!)
Thûrin playing with Auntie Kim :)
Reading competition local library
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Thorial
There is a reading competition where the children (according to level in school) are asked to read three books (comic, knowledge and a normal book) and answer questions.
This is Thorial showing the final book he had to read, right after finishing it (he had it for 1 full day)
After you present your questionnaire, you get a little gift (bracelet that lights up -> safe for evening walks!) and you enter the gloabl competition. Wait and see who gets drawn as winner :D
Going to the zoo!
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Thorial, Thûrin, Tyrgen
After picking up daddy at the airport :),
we drove to the zoo, and Tyrgen wanted to see everything, but mostly he wanted to find Nemo (took us a while, but we found him right after finding Dory :D)
They were however quite tired after that, and we were still going to visit newborn Viktor! All went rather well, until dinner time, so after we decided to go and get everyone in bed (two younger ones actually just fell asleep in the car and were carried up and deposited in bed :D)
Testing a vacuumcleaner thanks to The Insiders!
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Insiders
I was one happy camper when my vacuum cleaner died on me and that same week I got selected to test another one!
The vacuum cleaner I am testing, is a Philips PowerPro Ultimate. I was a bit sceptic, since it was one without a bag, but it surprised me! It works smooth and is very maneuverable, which comes in handy with two small children in the house ;) And also: it’s so silent compared to the others I have used! This is great, I can even do the hallway when the kids are asleep!
Also something I really like: attaching the hose to the main part again. On my previous vacuum, this broke almost instantly, but here it feels sturdy and hasn’t broken yet ;) So far, I would say I’m impressed with this test!
Some pictures of the assembled vacuum cleaner in my slightly messy kitchen:
The extra parts:
And some of its action on my cats crabpole (which was a real mess!)
And even though I was sceptic at first, being without a bag, isn’t too bad so far :D