Gardening, the hard way ;)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Garden
So this weekend we are working in the garden! Adding more soil to level it, making sure there is space to put said soil :D
Removing our gravel for the time being
Tyrgen being very helpful
The new soil being delivered
Before we started hauling the soil, this was the look:
And this is how it looked after putting in the soil and getting some borders set:
Some shots of our present flora :)
Plastering the wall (part2): breaking down stuff
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Renovations
This is the part were we could be of assistance: getting the paper off the wall, and removing the glue that makes the replastering not stick :(
Not a fun job, a very dirty job even, but hey, it has to be done!
Piece of wall still in original state
Wallpaper gone
Glue and white plaster removed…
Facts 2016 Spring Edition
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Hobby, Thûrin
We attend Facts (October-edition) every year with Elanor, and we love going. This time, a new Spring edition was launched. Elanor was not attending, so we decided to go on our own! Just one day, and only with the baby :) The other boys were having fun at their grandparents!
Several queue options, not needed at that moment ;)
Immediately, it was visible that they took into account several remarks from previous editions: more space between rows so you weren’t crowded, a lot more food options (and good ones!)
What was very interesting is that there floorplan was coloured, and that was repeated in the venue itself! Direct paths toward specific areas, had walkways in that colour leading towards them!
on site
All in all, I liked it, but I also felt a bit lost. That typical ‘FACTS-feel’ wasn’t there. Maybe it was because of the first time Spring Edition, maybe it was the lack of sales booths (some people didn’t show after the recent events in Belgium), maybe it was because the fanvillage was very small (Elanor wasn’t the only group who wasn’t there), maybe it was the good weather, maybe the cancellation of quite a few actors, or maybe a bit of everything!
All in all, we will need to wait and see for the next edition in October and the next Spring edition!
Some pictures to get an idea
Star wars
Harry Potter
Cool jackets
Something I wish I had to decorate our wall…
Thûrin having fun with a ‘sword’
Tree donated by the commune for Thûrins birth
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Garden, Kids
On Saturday we were invited for a small reception, and to pick up our tree for the birth of Thûrin (we had chosen one in advance last year when our boy was born)
yummy cake
groepsfoto van de vorig jaar geboren kindjes die een boom kwamen halen
It was a lot of fun, and we picked up our apple tree, and I immediately planted it!
Yay for our little one!
Complaints from both other boys: they want a tree now too… Luckily, I still have to go and buy and extra pear tree and an apple tree… -> small garden full of fruit trees? Yes, it seems so :D
Plastering the wall of the hallway (part 1)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Renovations
There wasn’t supposed to be more than a part 1… But hey, renovating means surprises it seems ;)
wall upstairs, very badly damaged
wall upstairs, very badly damaged
wall downstairs, bad quality but looked good… (looking good doesn’t mean quality…)
wall downstairs, bad quality but looked good… (looking good doesn’t mean quality…)
wall upstairs -> smooooooooth!
wall downstairs, partially done
wall downstairs, partially done
Wall downstairs, completely finished
Wall downstairs, completely finished
You can see part of a side wall that still needs to be done, and the rest of the hallway too… -> a bit of work ahead there :D But what else would we do with our time? ;)
Finishing the walls of the attics
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Renovations
Finishing touch of the walls: all plastered up!
Our future bedroom:
The last window in the roof is also installed now. If anyone wants the name of my AWESOME ‘roof-guy’ -> give me a yell, and I will point you in the correct direction!
The kids future bedrooms:
All that is left for me is to take off the plaster from the far wall so we can keep the stone structure there and then paint it white. -> UPDATE: this is not going to happen, further inspection of the wall gave it status ‘ugly’ and not good enought to just paint… Gyproc to the rescue!
And after that we will paint the big beams nicely, since they are remaining visible.
And yes, after that we still have some stuff to do, but that will take some more time ;)
Renovating the roof (part 3)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Renovations
So, more roof stuff ;)
The new roof from the outside!
The new window in ‘our’ part of the attic
And then they started on the last bit, the walls! (the bad pictures is due to no more lights available and it was getting dark outside :D)
Childrens part of the attic:
Our part of the attic:
Remodeling the kitchen some more!
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Renovations
We have starting painting around the new kitchen window, since we have some issues with the borders and last kitchen cabinet… and we added the front window too, since there is no more work needed around that one!
The door and upstairs window will have to wait, since we are still going to be working around those and we don’t want to redo the painting ;)
And the new screen door arrived for the window!
The new stairs to the attic/soon to be childrens rooms
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Renovations
The new stairs were going to be installed, so we cleaned up the space where they will be:
The materials to build the stairs on the spot:
And this is the finished stairs, now we just have to do the walls around it, and the floor (eventually).
And it is protected with cardboard, since we still need to do other construction in the attic and don’t want it immediately broken again :D
Glad we have an easier access to the attic on this side again ;)
Renovating the roof (part 2)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Renovations
A little sooner then we expected after the initial discussions, our roof is being replaced already! The weather is good (no rain or stuff falling from the skies) so they started right after the insulation of the first part!
The tiles have been partially removed here already… They will also remove most of the beams and replace them with new ones. The old ones have been partially eaten by bugs, so it wasn’t safe to keep those!
Byebye roof….
This was the wood structure of our roof ;)
Our street, view from our ‘terrace on the roof’
You can see the ‘window’ to the childrens attic.
Big beams!!!
The new structure.
Part of the insulation done.
The new tiles before they get on the roof :)
More will happen after the weekend! I’ll make a seperate post ;)