Music room adjusted
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Jonas, Renovations
Some new furnishings added, some updated, cleaned the mess again ;)
The Insiders – testing Le Petit Marseillais
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Insiders
For the insiders I am testing different shower product of Le Petit Marseillais.
I have heard about LPM before and positively, I walked passed it in the shops, and always doubted to pick it up.
Well, now that I am testing it, I am converted! I will add these to my choices for bath products! Each and every one of the ‘soaps’ smells fresh (not chemically enhanced to smell a certain way) and is soft to the skin. You feel good when taking a shower or bath, and, for me at least, it gave me back the feeling that you can relax in a shower and don’t need to hurry hurry because you need to wash!!
This is a picture of my current selection:
My favourite is the almond milk one, it’s sooooo soft and the smell is amazing :) It makes me want to bake almond cake ;)
I’m sure I am going to further enjoy using these, and yes, I WILL try to convince you to do so as well :)
If anybody feels like it, I still have a few testers to share!!
A new era
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Tyrgen
Tyrgen has officially gone to ‘Toddler’ status. No more booklet where we write if he eats well and is a good little man at daycare or at home, no, now he is on the black board!
Congrats my little man! (you’re growing up too fast, mommy can’t keep up….)
Skirt – the sequel
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Sewing
Almost there :) And it fitted on first try!!!!
Grandmas waffles!
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Tyrgen
He loves grandmas homemade waffles!
Little pig
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Tyrgen
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Hobby
My first time attending the #BGGD62. It was very eye opening and I met a lot of new girl geeks :)
Thank you @Samsung_BE and @bnox for organising and inviting!
Tags: #BGGD62
Pacifier foods
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Tyrgen
Yep, he had a big bottle, and still manages to try and swallow his pacifier completely ;)
Renovations: the music room
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Jonas, Renovations, Tyrgen
So we went a little further in building the music room. My father had already started on the frame, but the rest was up to us. So my father in law came over to help build the separating wall between music room and ‘pantry’.
The finished wall (for now, there is some electricity needed and we need more wood to finish)
And a start was made on the final wall too: the base is there, now (again) more wood is needed to finish it! And they had a very keen helper who likes to vacuum so there is a clean working space :)
Three generations at play
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Tyrgen