11 months old

He plays with books

and is a general good :)

I made something!!

So I was finally able to finish something in my sewing cleans and I’m very pleased with myself.

It’s a bag for my scissors!


and my apron is almost ready too :)

I felt so good, I started another scissor bag as a gift for my mom!


New front door!!!

And I don’t mean I had a birthday no ;p

They installed our new front door and the new front window! A little bit of extra work is needed, and we no longer have a doorbell, but hey, that’s okay :D

Work in progress

The (for now) finished window


The front door, inside and outside


It’s been a while!

And lots has happened.

I started dance class, and yay, I like and still have some ‘souplesse’ left in my body ;)

Sewing lessons have restarted too, and I am retaking the first year since I feel I missed too much because of the pregnancy and want to do this right :)

And then there was some renovations inbetween all the rest :D

This was the result of  our weekend in the garden:

We are levelling everything and putting the excess rubble and sand into a big pit the neighbours need filled! Thank you kind neighbours! There still is some left to do ;)

In the back against the brick wall there will be a small greenhouse and between that and the garden shed there will be a small garden patch with a little rocky wall. The wall will be used as a support system for small fruit bushes!

This is where the basket ball court will come, it will also serve as a location for kiddy pool etc ;)

Between the garden shed and the basket ball court there will be grass and maybe a fruit tree.



Thorial chose the colours, we painted the walls… This is a preview :)

Tyrgen happy pics

holding my own bottle while drinking for the first time:

I stole mommies shoes!

Being funny with daddy in my new shirt and overalls:

8 months

Our man has 8 months on the counter and is now into chattering and breaking stuff :)

He’s also sitting quite on his own and being bendy in a chair ;)


Hot baby!

New car :)

I have a company car, and normally, I would have to be working here for a few months before I get to choose my own lease car. Before that time you get a rental, until the end of your probation time.

So I got this cute little blue astra:

Very cool since blue is my favorite colour ;)

Now on Tuesday, I got the offer to take the car ordered and intended for someone who left the company last week. It’s a big family car, and brand new. Who am I to say no :) So before the end of my probation time, I already got a super deluxe new car to drive around with for the next few years ;)

My Grand scenic:

Much to love, but most of all: awesome airconditioning that is greatly appreciated now that it’s heating up again today and the next few days ;)

Yes, it’s not blue, or Thorials picked colour (I told him he could help me choose the colour of the next one), but I like it :D


New achievement!

Yesterday daddy was playing around with Tyrgen and was showing him (while shopping for groceries) to stick his arms in the air ‘like a champion’. He seemed to enjoy it.

Later that evening, I’m sitting with Tyrgen on my lap, and he suddenly starts waving his pacifier around (it’s on one of those cords to attach to his shirt, but he keeps taking it off) and then after a bit taking it in both hands and sticking his arms in the air with it, in the ‘champion’ gesture…. He kept that up for half an hour until I was tired of it….

He’s learning stuff fast it seems :) I’ll see if I can post the video daddy made of this achievement ;)