Snack (19/365)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under 365 days
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Tyrgen
Today the school called me, to tell me Tyrgen had fallen and needed to see a doctor… So what happened? It seems he tripped (not getting straight info about tripping on air, a mat or just his own feet) and bumped into a trolley nearby. Nice little gash right above the eye.
My little guy was quite the champ, no crying until the 3rde pinprick of the needle to sedate a bit, and then only some whining and a few tears. No moving or jerking away! When getting stitched, same reaction: tears and whining, but not pulling away, just letting the doctor do his job!
And when he could choose two toys, he chose the second one for his big brother! And he did the same right after when he was allowed a balloon (he asked a second one for his big brother).
Reasoning behind choosing stuff for his big brother? Because he kicked and screamed when being stitched up a few years ago :D
Garden life (18/365)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under 365 days, Garden
Mama Miracoli (17/365)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under 365 days, Food
Hidden (16/365)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Kittens
Acrobat (15/365)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under 365 days, Thûrin
Selfie (14/365)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under 365 days
Serenity (13/365)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under 365 days
Playing (12/365)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under 365 days, Thûrin
Atomium (11/365)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under 365 days