Morning (10/365)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under 365 days
Swimming in the pool!
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Friends, Hobby, Jonas, Thûrin, Tyrgen
Thûrins godfather had set a date for a superbe Beach-BBQ-party. Sad part, a few days ahead of time the weather gods were not being very polite and it was switched to a Boardgame-Lasagna-party :D No worries for us, we like it all ;)
We did have the concern that Tyrgen would want to swim, so Maarten valiantly made sure to heat the pool a bit.
The sun still came out and we moved to the terrace and yes, some kiddo’s and parents jumped into the pool ;) Seems Tyrgen is not afraid to swim around on his own with some aids. Those of us not swimming amused ourselves at the table.
The was also a game that is fun to play, but also insanely annoying at times, I can advide you all to play it sometime :D
Thûrin had done a lot of ironing, so in the evening he was tired, but sleeping was not ok, no way until Eiblin got him sleeping in the cutest way ever :) He kept sleeping and was a happy camper ;)
Visitor (9/365)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under 365 days
Playing together (9/365)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under 365 days, Thûrin, Tyrgen
New reading material (8/365)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under 365 days, Reading
Bedtime story (7/365)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under 365 days, Thûrin, Tyrgen
Sleeping princes
Posted by Annelies | Filed under Thûrin, Tyrgen
How our boys sleep on these hot nights…
Late summer produce (6/365)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under 365 days, Garden
Sunrise (5/365)
Posted by Annelies | Filed under 365 days, Random