Adding to the garden

We made the children very happy this weekend! The grandparents came to help us set up their play tower with a slide and sandbox :)

When it was still in the garage, Tyrgen was already saying thank you, because he recognized the slide ;)

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Set up, and in use by our little reader ;) Tyrgen was trying out the slide of course :D

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I also noticed that our apple tree, plum tree and cherry tree actually are already fruit bearing! I wasn’t expecting that until next year, or the year after!

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And while we were working in the garden, I also asked for (and got) help to put up the new poles for the chickens! The little gate (thanks @Gudrun!) is also installed and all that is left is to put in the fence :)

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Our garden in spring 2016

Our trees are flowering, and we can see fruit starting to form:

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All our berries are starting up too:

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Little renovations here and there

We got our new fridge!! I’m so happy with it :) Now we just need to attach the water and filter, and we are fully up and running ;)


And we also are ‘pimping’ the laundry room and the garage a bit. New tiles in both location for the bare steps that were there.

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And new shelves too :)


Left to do: cover the hideous green colour… And fill in the gaps between the tiles :) (at least for these parts to be finished!)

Day of the sports club

We had a fun day with the kids, trying out all kinds of different sports. I even played badminton while carrying Thûrin in the babysling ;)

Tyrgen tried out the Multimove together with Thorial, and he actually did stuff we didn’t expect him to try!


They also tried ‘Korfbal’, Thorial was a big fan :)

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Tyrgen was very good at Wheelchair riding (wheelchair basketball). And Thorial was having fun with actually trying to play basketball from the chair.

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Thûrin had his first encounter with grass, while the others were having a drink.

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Meanwhile Thûrin was playing with balls and balloons, and even standing next to where his brother was running.

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And Tyrgen also tried moving school, and loved the running and crawling ;)

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There is no photo evidence of the Badminton playing :D


Our little man can walk!

A bit wobbly still, be he can do it :D

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Renovations: some gardening, new step, new tiles for the extra kitchen

Yes, we finally got some more visible things done ;)

In the garden, we added some pebbles into one of the patches and repotted some plants to put there! We also moved our two little statues ;)


More things will be done, but in a while ;)

The new step for our door: Still drying, and will be doing so for a few days :D But it will be a lot handier already! And now to search for some tiles to finish this and the step beside it! A quest I say!!!


And then Jonas did some tiling in the extra kitchen in the garage, but ran out of adhesive before he could finish all tiles. I’ll go buy some new one so we can fix this soon :)


Happy with the progress! And now of course I cannot wait to do some more ;)

Mothers Day 2016

The kids got me some wonderful presents this year. Thank you my 3 little ones!

A mirror with picture from Thûrin (up left), a hand-flower from Tyrgen (down left)  and a nice drawing and letter (down right) from Thorial!


Jonas also got me the nice flowers and a little game:



New shower installed

Tested and approved! And we are very happy with it :)


Replacing the shower

So, when your shower decides to break down, you need to replace it. In a household with two working parents and two rather small children, with occasionally a third kid,  and a lot of other small things on the agenda, this takes a while to accomplish!

I broke down the old shower, cleared away all the glass shards, accidentally broke another window (lucky for me it was in the garage) and cleared away that glass too.

Tadaaaa, empty spot!


And we also put in the new pipes and the base is there already too. Now to get the rest put in… Hopefully coming soon, because I miss my shower! A bath doesn’t have the same power to wake me up ;)


Broken shower…

To our great amazement, we came home to find our shower with a shattered side panel…

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We now have three shower options in the house, and none of them are viable options:

  • one was there when buying the house, but hasn’t been used in quite some years because of a leak somewhere
  • we installed one above the bath tub, but sadly if we use it, it leaks through the ceiling of our living room
  • a shower cabin we installed about 2 years ago that now has a shattered side panel

Obviously, I already got a new cabin, but it still needs installing… -> this was not on the planning for the renovations!