Heat wave

Today the weather was officially declared a heat wave (well duh!) and it doesn’t seem to be letting up any time soon. The promised rain falls everywhere except at my location :)

It’s fun to have nice weather, but being able to sleep without feeling like a wet washcloth all the time would be fine for me too ;)

So far I didn’t do any more remodeling, shoveling or other because it’s just too hot for that. I’m hoping that I can find it in myself to start again by this weekend and get ahead a bit more.


Watch out, Teeth coming through!

Hurrah! The first tooth has broken through, after a few weeks of crying, fever and general annoyance, the first one is here :) Lets hope the rest will follow soon so baby can eat like a big boy!

The gardenworks, hardcore!

Last Saturday we threw ourselves into garden works again. The weather was warm but overcast, so ideal for this kind of work! And we had ourselves some big tools to help break down the old swimming pool :)

This is what it looks like after some heavey lifting and a few trips to throw away some bricks:

We made some stacks of all the different bricks and stones, so we don’t have to sort afterwards but can get to using them quickly!


Most of the work was done on Saturday, but we moved a few stacks on Sunday, but gave up after a little while since it was way too hot to work… 34°C is not a pleasant working temperature.

Chicken addition

With many thanks to our friend, we have another feathery pall joining Ren and Stimpy (our red-brown chickens). No name has been decided on just yet! They seem to be getting along (it was a bit crowded when there were 3 more chickens and 1 rooster visiting, they left after one night luckily ;) )


7 months and sitting like a boss!

Look at me while shopping with mum and dad :)

Dinner with Eiblin en Maarten

We were at it again, cooking against the clock :)

Our menu:

Little snacks with home-made  Guacamole  and some cheese cubes.

Two amuse-bouche: Broccolimousse with Jambon Ganda and Smoked Salon on a bed of salad.

As a hot entree we had Coquilles St Jacques and Mushroomhats with a Salmon-Leek filling in a bassin of Leek coulis.

The main dish was an adapted version of our previously made menu: Grilled  Beef Tenderloin with a Parsley cream sauce , Potatoes in the peel and a fresh salad.

The dessert was a try-out with little hope to succeed, and it didn’t :) Crème brûlée with apples. No pictures, because it looked more like a soup ;) I will try this again, because I would love to be able to make a Crème Brûlée. But this will need a good amount of investigation and testing to find the recipe that works for me ! For this purpose, I will gift myself with a little gasburner to melt the sugartopping ;)

I would say: on to our next possibility to exhibit our cooking skills :D

Bendy baby!

This is how he fell asleep… I’ve tried to get him to sleep in a comfy bed, in a normal position, and it all failed, but when I put him down to play, he just sleeps…

Ill little boy :(

Our little man was ill last week with a cough and a nasty fever to accompany it… But it gave me a very cute picture of him, sitting next to mommy in the sofa, and falling asleep like that. I guess he was cofortable?

Cooking for Tina and Wim

Our friends came to visit, so we decided to throw ourselves into cooking again. Both Jonas and me like to cook and try new stuff (with ingredients we like :D) so yesterday we were at it again!

We decided on a mainly Italian team.


Charentais melon pieces with fine Italian meats (Coppa di Parma, pancetta, prosciutto crudo)


Lasagna with river lobster

Primi piatti:

Tender loin a la Fiorentina with potato wedges, green salad, tomatoes and cucumber. This is everything in the making:

The picture we were aiming for (more or less):


And we ended with dessert, recipe from Gudrun (thank you!), Apple Flan:

It was a fun evening, and all recipes worked out great! So we can do these again :)


Garden works!

Today was a good day for garden work, not too hot but also not raining. My parents and Jonas’ parents came around to help.

The bricks in the pond were beaten into smaller pieces, part of the terrace was broken down and put aside for later use, the tree was taken down and a big bush was dug out to be moved to another garden. And some general clearing out and mowing the grass.

Jonas trying to cut the tree down with a little saw…

Luckily the chain saw started working about 15 minutes after that ;)


And here is our first little plant, blue hydrangea :)

Quick reminder of the previous look: