2013 has arrived

And normally a new year that stars means: “What are your good intentions for the New Year” or “Remembering the last year and what happened” So here it goes ;)

First of all: Happy New Year to all, may it be a great year with all you can wish for to make you happy!


Good intentions: Read more, make time for fun stuff, take good care of my baby boy and my two other boys :)


Last year: I’ll remember it as a year of changes, of friendships forged, but also sadly lost, of moving on to other things and trying not to be too scared to take the first tentative step. Moving on and moving forward, and I hope to continue that this year. It’s never easy, whatever happens, but the least we can do is try our best.


What will be happening in the near future:

– move to the new house (trying not to look around right now at all the stuff that still needs packing ;) )

– starting a new job! This will be a challenge for sure, but I think I’ll be up for it after the maternity leave!

– watching our little man grow a bit every day :) And getting scared when he starts crawling and putting stuff in his mouth ;) and seeing how the brothers interact and get to know each other!

– being creative with needle and thread :D

– ….

Ps: watching the Hobbit movie is high on the list too ;)

one week after delivery, update

Today I encountered my scale again for the first time since giving birth.

In the hospital they followed up on my blood pressure, weight and temp each day (sometimes several times a day). My peak in weight was 100 kg, not too shabby for my usual eating habits and being pregnant ;) I expected it to be loads more :D

And today the scale was almost friendly! I am at 89 kg already (yay, means it’m already almost at my weight from before the pregancy! No clue as to how that happened :s ) I was not aiming to lose weight anytime soon and/or fast, so this is a nice surprise :) And since I am still retaining water, I think I’ll make my ‘before’ weight soon enough :) and we’ll see after that, it’s not an immediate concern.

All is well as far I am told, so yay for baby and me :) Hope this continues on for a bit ;) The only negative point: the allergy that started in the hospital is still here, and getting worse. And nothing I can do that won’t affect baby boy :( Just have to wait it out as much as I can.

Tyrgen Georg François Drieghe arrived on the 19th of December at 22h52

Ear protection!


Since we will be taking baby to loud places (Facts, Castlefest, …) we invested in some cute ear protection :)


Many thanks to Kitty Kidsystems!

Some extra pictures by Art de Nancy

Some new ‘belly’-pictures by Nancy.

Be sure to visit her webspace, her photographs are beautiful! http://www.facebook.com/ArtDeNancy?ref=stream

Goodbye TWCS

This has been in effect for a few weeks already, but I keep forgetting to post ;)

Since a few weeks ago The Writer’s Coffee Shop and me have parted ways. There no longer was a need for me to help and thus it was decided. It was a fun time and I got to know some great people. But, time moves on and so do we, onwards to the next chapter. Make no mistake, I still wanted to help :)

What does this mean day-to-day? Well, more time for the new hobby (where did I leave that needle and thread again…) and to blog about my ‘creations’ ;) Hope to update here more soon with a picture or two :D And not just about sewing, but in general ;) Don’t forget to check the kiddie blog too for some updates :) More to come soon!

Thorial, the friendly ghost

Thorial was dressed up as a little ghost for his Auntie Elena’s big 18th Birthday Bash.

You have to admit, he looks like Casper a bit ;)

(the scared look is ‘because ghosts are scared of flashes’)

Wishlist of cute stuff :)

Stuff we saw, and found cute for a baby ;) (fingers crossed the links will keep working!)


Game of Thrones, child friendly version!








Sheldon would be proud :)




One size fits all Jawa!




Who doesn’t like a baby dragon..

Little update

Baby is doing well and growing strong :) A little bigger even than expected at this stage, so that’s good too.

A lot of squirming around in the belly, so my stomach is none too happy lately ;)


Baby guessing game :)

As promised, a guessing game!

Guess the following:

  • birth date
  • gender
  • weight
  • height
  • if you really, really want to: name

Now, some extra information to help you all out ;) The due date according to doctors and hospital is December 26th, 2012

Dad, Jonas, was born on the 9th of November 1985 (9 days early), weighing in at 3,2 Kg and having a height of 51 cm.

Mom, Annelies, was born on the 8th of December (20 days early!), weighing in at 3,5 Kg and having a height of 51 cm.

Big Bro, Thorial, was born on the 9th of November (right on schedule), weighing in at 3,97 Kg and having a height of 52 cm.

You can guess one time in the comments below, first guess counts ;)

And just because we are nice, we are throwing in a little surprise for the one that is the closest with his/her guess :) (surprise will be adjusted to suit the winner of course!)